It’s better to be late than never.

Two nights ago, a friend of mine convinced me to watch Little Manhattan. At first, I really didn’t want to because I thought the movie was kinda lame. She told me that the story was really good and it was funny and cute and all those things a friend would say just so she’d make you do what she wants you to do (in this case, watch the movie.)

So I did.

Imagine my shock when I realized (err, more accurately, my friend told me) that this boy (2005):

A scene from Little Manhattan.

And this guy (2012):

A scene from The Hunger Games.


Okay, most of you might have known that already. Sorry, I really didn’t know until my friend pointed it out to me. 😀

I didn’t know that Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games) had many movies in his younger years, not to mention that he was the lead in some or most of them (like Bridge in Terabithia). Annnndddd….

I do stand corrected.


How I could let 7 years pass before I finally let someone convince me to watch it is beyond my understanding. The story was really cute, especially since it was in the eyes and the thinking of a 10 year old boy encountering his first “love”. Josh did a good job, I especially like the part where he cried his heart out after he and Rosemary had a fight while talking on the phone.

Actually, I love every scene in the movie. It made me laugh and all that. I’m 21 years old and a 10 year old boy made me giddy with his words and gestures. 😀

Good thing I allowed my friend to talk me into watching Little Manhattan. When you think about it, most if not all of us have been in this stage of our lives. That first crush, infatuation, love, denial, heartbreak and all that. Each stage is a new understanding of what it really means “to feel” and “to experience”. At some point, it mirrored our thoughts (both mature and immature) when we were or are on those stages.

Little Manhattan.

So for those who haven’t watched it yet (Please please please… Please let me be NOT the only one who hasn’t watched it.) It’s better to be late than never. Do watch it!!! 😀

A Shopaholic Realization

To some, it’s just another romantic comedy meant to entertain people, making them laugh their hearts out. But in between the cheesy lines and happy moments lie the truth about the real lives of people, shopaholic or not.

Confessions of a Shopaholic had been released months ago and I was only able to watch it because of a friend and I can say that even though it was too late, having the chance to see the movie was really an opportunity I was happy not to miss.

Despite the exaggerated lines and lighthearted atmosphere of the movie, you could see the real deal behind.

That even though the world spits you out, expect your parents to catch you and give everything they could ever give just to make things better for you (I especially felt touched at the part wherein Becky’s dad told her that he’d sell the trailer he’d been dying to have since he was young, just so Becky could pay for her debt and when Becky didn’t agree, saying it was what defines her dad, her dad said that it was her and her mom that defines him…aww.)…

That regardless of the shortcomings and the misgivings, a real friend will be there to support and forgive you. Someone who won’t criticize you for who and what you are and would be ready to help you out whether you ask for it or not(Suze!!!)…

That if a person really loves you, at the end of the day, he or she will still be there no matter what and would try what he/she could to see the good side of you and won’t simply leave you behind when things are not as good as they used to be. A person who would share with you, the ups and downs of life and would make you see things in a different perspective…

And that you could change for the better, even if the people, the environment and everything there is are actually pushing you down. It wouldn’t be as easy and yet, it could happen. Even if your dreams are meant to shatter in front of your eyes, expect other opportunities to come your way, and even if they weren’t like the dreams and the goals you expected for yourself, these are something that will define you as a person and sooner than later, you’ll see yourself happy with it and will even make you realize that maybe, these are far better than the ones you’ve been dreaming of. You just have to keep your eyes open. You never know what you’ll see and miss.

People often get their inspirations from other people and unconsciously, we might be one of those. You’ll never know, that girl across the street, or that guy next to you in class are just some who see you as different. As someone who has a quality they like and will see that as a motivation in life.

When we are able to overcome certain problems and be successful at something we work so hard for, unknowingly, we became inspirations for those who would want to achieve such a feat. It doesn’t  have to be as great, but it’s a start.

All of these, I’ve come to see and realize after watching a movie that was supposed to be “comical”, but then again, you’ll never know until you see it.